Waste management, despite being a critical determinant of a hotel’s efficiency and profitability, is often overlooked, which is quite surprising for an obvious reason. Having a cohesive waste management consultant system not only helps businesses to reduce their impact on the environment, it also helps them improve their overall profitability. That is the reason why an increasing number of hotels are now turning to waste management consultants such as HPG Consulting for help creating and implementing a well-crafted waste management plan. To help get you started, we present the five Rs of effective waste management in hotels. Read on.

1. Refuse

The first one is simple. Refuse to use anything that your operations can do without such as the use of plastic. Governments all over the world are working to curb the use of plastic, but things will not change until every hand is on deck. For a hotel, you can start by eliminating all products that may not be necessary for your day-to-day operations.

Read Related: How A Waste Management System Benefits Your Business

2. Reduce

Given the ever-increasing competitiveness in the hospitality industry, it is understandable for hotels to travel the extra mile to woo guests, but “excess” may not be the key to the market’s heart. From perishable items such as flowers to disposable items such as paper towels, the use of all such items can be greatly reduced with the right approach.

3. Reuse

While many hotels have woken up to the benefits of reusing items, many still incorrectly consider it to be a compromise in as far as providing quality service to guests is concerned. The fact is most people these days understand the significance of restoring the ecological balance, and therefore, will not mind, and may even appreciate, a host that resorts to reusing items wherever and whenever possible.

4. Recycle

Recycling is another key avenue through which you can greatly reduce the waste produced by your facility. In addition to buying recyclable products, you may also need to clearly classify different types of wastes based on their recyclability and/or recycling process, and make sure the standards are religiously followed by your staff.

Read Related: Do You Need A Waste Management System?

5. Rot

Lastly, rotting or composting food waste is another key component of a stellar waste management system. All hotels produce large quantities of food waste that has to be disposed, which is another notable expense. Besides going for traditional compost bins, you can also invest in food composters which let you compost large quantities of food waste without any hassles.

The Last Word

Creating a waste management consultant plan is an intricate process that is based upon the operational dynamics of the business. If you wish to learn more about waste management planning, speak with the waste management consultants at HPG Consulting. Since inception, we have helped numerous eminent names in creating comprehensive waste management plans as well as other services such as food court design layout and food court restaurant design. To learn more about our waste management consulting services or discuss how we can help with your requirements, fill out our contact form and we will take it from there.