In general, the food we consume from restaurants has more calories, sodium, and saturated fat than meals consumed at home. For the average adult, eating one meal away from home each week translates to roughly 1 extra kilo each year. Over the course of 5 years, that’s 5 extra kilos.

Calorie labeling on menus informs the customer about the calorie intake and helps them make healthier decisions about meals and snacks. So, beginning January 2022, according to the new food law of 2022, FSSAI requires the restaurants to declare calorific value on menus and menu boards of restaurants and other food establishments that have 10 or more outlets. This will help you know your options and make it easier to eat healthier and control portions when eating out. If you are setting up a new restaurant, you can take the help of a restaurant consultant to design a menu for you.

As a matter of fact, restaurants that display calories in their menu have on average 45% less fat and 60% less salt than other restaurants. Making the menu labeling mandatory will make the restaurants serve items with less fat and salt that would produce healthier options reducing health pro

Find Out Your Calorie Needs:

Understanding your calorie needs is important to manage your daily food and beverage choices and options. Your calorie needs may vary based on your age, sex, and physical activity level.





A Solution To The Growing Obesity:

Obesity has become one of the most demanding public health challenges and needs to be dealt with immediately. The worldwide levels of obesity have tripled since 1975. Food from restaurants and cloud kitchens tends to have a higher amount of fat, sugar, salt, and energy as compared to the food we prepare at home. Providing customers with clear information on the energy content of the food will let them make well-informed and better choices. Another thing that may happen after the labeling rule applies is that the outlets serving nutritionally poor food could get bad publicity which would make them go for healthier menus for the future.

Choose What Is Best For You:

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At the end of the day, eating healthy comes down to your personal choices. Try these tips to help you make the best choices for yourself and your family.

Comparing calorific value and nutrition information help you make better decisions before you order. Side dishes add much more calories to a meal than the main courses. Steamed, grilled, and boiled vegetables and fruit are low-calorie options. With calorie information, you can make the best choice for yourself. Calorie information can help you decide the portion and how much food to enjoy.

Foods described with words like creamy, fried, and buttered are typically higher in calories than foods described as roasted, steamed, grilled, or boiled.

Beverages can add up calories quickly. With calorie information, you can choose lower-calorie options. Sauces or salad dressings on the side let you choose how much to use.

Researchers believe that the estimated drops in heart disease and type 2 diabetes could save us billions, that includes the price of medical care and treatment. The country, as a whole, would save another billion in costs associated with driving to doctor’s offices, waiting in waiting rooms, etc. Proponents of calorie labeling point out that we cannot estimate how many calories our food contain.

The fact is that we may never know the impact of calorie labeling regulations. But public health experts believe Calorie counts are a consumers’ right to know. Just like we have a right to know what kind of ingredients are in foods that you buy at the grocery store. You almost don’t need to prove anything beyond that, it’s just a principle that consumers have the right to know what they’re purchasing and what they’re eating”.

There could be greater impacts on men than women, Black and Hispanic people than other racial groups, those who are overweight than those who are not. But according to the new food law of 2022 people have a right to know what is getting into them. Get in touch with us at HPG, we are a restaurant consultant and can help you design your restaurant and menus.