Commercial kitchens are designed to produce results when it comes to delivering food quality and safety. They are far more advanced and created to be more efficient than traditional home kitchens. Commercial kitchen layouts are designed for restaurants, hotels, and nowadays for online/ delivery only food companies, also known as cloud kitchens. 

Whether you are a restaurant, hotel, or an online bakery, you need the right people to help you design your dream, commercial kitchen

That’s where HPG Consulting steps in.  With over 20 years in the food & beverage industry, where they have given guidance on several commercial kitchen design projects. HPG Consulting has heralded many well-known commercial kitchen design projects in leading hotels and restaurants, such as Taj, Carlson, Hilton, Marriot, Hyatt, and IHG.

Here’s a guide, on how HPG Consulting, starts designing a layout for its client’s commercial kitchen: 

1) Understand and evaluate client’s needs

For HPG Consulting, it is of paramount importance, to understand and implement the vision of their clients. To make this a reality, the consultants work tirelessly to deliver the best blueprint for their client’s vision.

2) Work on a concept as per client demands 

Every client works on a different set of demands. A hotel will have a different idea of a commercial kitchen, as compared to an online food startup. This is where HPG consulting brings forth its wide range of experience of working with a varied set of clients and work efficiently to meet client demands. 

3) Providing heating and plumbing solutions

Designing a heating and plumbing system is by far the most challenging aspect an engineer will face. A commercial kitchen requires a good drainage system, sanitary measures in place, the correct calculation for heating and cooling loads, and many more technicalities that need expert attention. 

4) Guide client’s on lighting requirements in the kitchen 

Lighting plays a major role in commercial kitchen design and planning. The main reason for this is that the kind of lighting can determine the success of your kitchen. Heating loads can cause a lot of light bulbs to explode, causing food to be contaminated with shards of glass and also damage the eyesight of the cook. That is why it is suggested to adapt to the latest developments in lighting for better safety and health standards. 

5) Selecting the correct types of equipment for the kitchen 

Commercial kitchens require sophisticated and top of the line equipment. That is why HPG Consulting recommends buying top-quality types of equipment that are long-lasting and up to date according to market standards. 

The types of equipment include commercial refrigerators, commercial grills, cookware & linens, storage containers, cooking pans, commercial kitchen knives, food preparation counters, cutting boards, storage racks, safety equipment, etc. 

6) Helping clients decide on what kitchen materials, such as metals, to be used for the construction

Choosing the right metal is essential for anyone working in the F&B industry. The reason being that food needs to be cooked in metal cookware and if the metal is prone to rusting that can contaminate the food item. HPG Consulting recommends the use of stainless steel and aluminum in both cookware and kitchen layout. These metals are easy to maintain, durable, easy to clean, and not prone to rusting. Thus maintaining the safety standards and longevity of the kitchen life. 

7) Helping client companies with licenses and quality standards 

Commercial kitchens are prone to inspections by health inspectors. Any hotel or restaurant operating a commercial kitchen needs to get their kitchen licensed. Commercial kitchen licenses should be obtained at the very beginning of the design process. 

HPG Consulting will provide solutions for all commercial kitchen problems. They will be cost-effective, result-oriented, best in industry.  

To learn more, get in touch with the HPG consulting team today.