Restaurant kitchen layouts are unique in nature as every foodservice establishment will operate differently, as they themselves have to decide what layout will work best towards achieving the targeted goals. There are some basic commercial kitchen design layouts that can be incorporated in order to blend kitchen design principles and kitchen components.


  • Zone-Style Layout – This zone-style layout kitchen would be set up in blocks with major equipment arranged along the walls, with each section following a proper order for increased flow. The flow is as follows – dishwashing block ~ storage block ~ food prep block and so on. As the center space is left open, communication and supervision are easy in such a layout for commercial kitchen designs. 
  • Assembly Line Layout – This assembly line layout is commonly used in kitchens that need to serve a large number of people in limited time like cafeterias. This layout also works well for commercial kitchens designs that serve limited menus in large quantities like sandwiches or pizzas. Here the equipment is arranged in a line with food preparation at one end and food service at another end. Cleaning and washing areas are behind the assembly line so that there is super efficiency in keeping a good flow for communication and operations. 
  • Ergonomic Design – This type of commercial kitchen design layout mindfully arranges every piece of kitchen equipment and component to ensure comfort and effectiveness. In this kitchen, the basic principle works for the least energy to be expended to complete a task and also in a short period of time. This could either be having an undercounter to be placed right beside the deep fryer or having taller prep tables that could save chefs from bending over to cook. Many other aspects of the ergonomic layout are a selection of proper lighting and equipment, as the right equipment facilitates quicker jobs hence employees are happy and safe. With all the above advantages, this layout does really come with a few drawbacks – it may not be the cheapest option, and may not be energy efficient depending upon the type of equipment placed together.
  • Restaurant Kitchen to keep up to Code – It is very important to design a commercial kitchen layout following the state and local area codes, lest the premises could be asked to close down. Ensure that you are familiar with these codes, especially your state’s health department. Equipment installation comes with certain guidelines, therefore it is smart to read the instructions manual. These help you to have no issues in keeping your kitchen up to the respective code.

A successful commercial kitchen includes specific components being organized in a definite pattern, in order to optimize the foodservice business. Regardless of any style or layout, every commercial kitchen will have these components: Cleaning/washing, Storage, Food preparation, and Service.